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Top things about Canadian Classroom Every Indian Student Should Know

Fri June 26, 2020     1219

The classroom culture in top Canadian universities and colleges is quite different than what we experience in Indian classrooms. At some academic institutes, only first-year classes are taken in large lecture halls with over 50-70 students.

classroom in canada

The second year, third year and graduate classes are held in a small classroom with no more than 10-20 people at one time. Therefore, it is advisable to prepare before classes, or a lecture, seminar. It will help you get along, and you will be able to learn in a better way!

Following tips will help you prepare for your class:

•    Read the course outline well in advance so that you know what the course expectations are.
•    Make sure to complete the assigned readings.
•    Always make sure to review your notes from the previous lecture.
•    Prepare well for your upcoming lectures as well.

While studying in a Canadian classroom, you will notice that many students will be taking notes on their laptops and tablets, while there may be many others who will prefer using pen and paper. You will also notice that some professors will be providing you notes or PowerPoint slides before or after your class. Even if they are providing you notes before your class, it doesn’t mean you will be skipping your classes. Usually, they reflect a small portion of the next lecture and hence, will be missing a lot on that topic.


There are some of the important aspects that we will be discussing here:


Make sure you treat your professors, teaching assistants, your classmates, and guest speakers with the utmost respect in the classroom and otherwise. You can show your respect in the classroom by following these tips:
•    Make sure to keep all your electronic devices on silent and also avoid chatting.
•    Avoid having food in the class, especially in front of them.
•    Make sure to minimize the disturbances.


How to treat your professors and supervisors?

You are already aware of the concept that your professors are very important for your academic success; therefore, it is vital to make a good impression on them.

Some tips are:
•    Make sure you complete all your assignments on time.
•    Make sure you are prepared for your next/upcoming lectures.
•    You should always arrive for your class early or on time.


Top tips for communicating with your professors effectively:
•    Always call your professors using their title, like a professor or doctor, etc., both in email and in class.
•    Whenever you email your professors, it is important to give at least 24-48 hours to reply.
•    If you have to visit your professor for assignments or queries, make sure to do it during their office hours. Some professors may require you to book an appointment before visiting them.


How to actively participate in your classes

The top universities and Colleges in Canada encourage students to participate in class discussions, debates and share their points of view on certain topics. It is vital because in some courses, participating in a classroom is also a part of your final grade.
Group work

Another important element of a Canadian classroom is ‘group work.’ You will be undertaking many courses that may require you to work on projects with other students in small groups. Group projects also include writing a report, delivering a presentation, or a research paper. For such tasks, you need to work with your group partners after class time as well.


Tips to help you complete group work:

•    Make sure you communicate properly with other members of your group. Listen to them patiently, understand their viewpoints, ask them questions about things you didn’t know, and share your point of view.
•    When working in groups, make sure to divide your work equally based on each member's skills and strengths.

Now that you imagined the entire scenario, that how you will be studying in your new university or college. Now, the first step you should take, apply to your Dream University or College with iApply!